Germ cells, namely sperm, egg, and embryo, are vulnerable and hard to culture. When it comes to assisted reproductive technology (ART), a successful pregnancy depends on not only the factors on the patient side and clinicians’ experience, but more importantly, the lab and embryologists. Environment, equipment, and methodology are essential components of an extraordinary laboratory.
Taiwan is frequently hit by earthquakes and typhoons. The Nanshan Plaza where TFC locates is a Structurally Accredited Building equipped with two tuned mass dampers. The 480-cm diameter, 250-ton damper, suspended by cables that can bear 300 tons, is able to relieve the impact of earthquakes and typhoons. The building, covered in the safest curtain wall in Asia, can withstand wind gusts up to 56 m/s and absorb sway induced by high winds and typhoons. Anti-vibration tables are used in the lab. All measures guarantee the well-rounded protection of your eggs and embryos.
The embryology laboratory is ensured to mimic a woman’s uterus so that eggs can be retrieved and fertilized by sperm in vitro. The lab’s environment and air quality have a noticeable effect on the implantation rate and live birth rate. The positive pressure of 30pa is maintained to avoid the infiltration of contaminants from outside the laboratory. Temperature, humidity, air pressure, dust, particulates, and VOCs are rigidly monitored. Embryologists are not allowed to wear make-up, perfume, or nail polish in the lab. Prior to implantation, the collected eggs and embryos are stored in incubators where 37°C is kept. To avert possible damage to germ cells due to a small temperature error, 24H Conditioned Environmental Control System is equipped at TFC. If any error is detected in real-time, the staff will be reached to fix it in time.
Once fertilized in vitro, the eggs should be cultured and grown in a sophisticated environment. The stable temperature of 37°C and optimal osmotic pressure and pH lead to the rapid development of embryos, which therefore requires frequent monitoring. We have three advanced Time-lapse Embryo Incubators where the embryos are cultured, observed, and selected while a stable environment is ensured. Images of embryos are captured every ten minutes to allow the embryologists to precisely know their morphology and assess the morphological changes and development speed through the full course. With the Time-lapse Embryo Incubator, your embryologist does not miss a thing.
Embryonic division differs at each stage. TFC newly introduced an AI Database, which assists in selecting embryos based on the global sharing data. It not only provides more clues for our embryologists to evaluate embryos, but also serves as a grading reference for predicting the implantation rate. Despite the support of the advanced Time-lapse Embryo Incubator and AI-enabled Embryo Selection, embryologists still need rich experience to conduct evaluation and discuss with clinicians to select the best quality embryo for transfer.
Our embryologists have observed over 10,000 embryos and performed more than 20,000 cycles. The survival rates of eggs and embryos reach over 95% and 99.25% respectively during the thawing process, helping 70% of women under 38 get pregnant at TFC. Our highly-skilled embryologists are capable of employing techniques accordingly and grading embryos accurately. On top of that, they work in sync with clinicians and report the daily records of patients to clinicians while bearing in mind their treatment options. Our clinicians are also leading the research center and embryologists to strive for excellence in research, with more than 800 publications to date. We are always ready for embracing the latest technology and findings.
Thanks to the advancement of IVF technology and the contribution of Dr. Chii-Ruey Tzeng, the father of “IVF baby” in Taiwan, the latest IVF technologies, including Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A), Time-lapse Embryo Monitoring System, and Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA), can bridge the fertility gaps caused by age and diseases to enhance the success rate of IVF.
1. 24H Environmental Control System in the lab with positive pressure
2. Time-lapse Embryo Incubator
3. AI-enhanced Embryo Selection
4. Workstations mimicking the uterus for manipulating eggs and embryos
5. Spindle View
6. Infans EMR, an app specialized in reproduction and embryo culture recording, used to record the work of embryologists and the fertilization and cleavage of embryos
7. Medical grade high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, with air quality higher than that required in the operating room (ISO Class 3 and positive pressure of 30pa)
8. Cleanroom VOCs monitoring system with remote connections
9. Liquid nitrogen storage tank temperature monitoring system with remote connections
10. Non-toxic construction materials resistant to earthquakes and winds
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